South Carolina Medical Malpractice Attorney

2016-01-23 6
Blake Smith of Parham Smith and Archenhold.
One of the things that I'm often asked by clients is what is the process. Well, the first thing is we take a phone call from the clients and find out exactly what their complaint is. We will then meet with the client and figure out where to go from there. That usually entails ordering medical records, documents, and other reporters. My staff along with me then takes those documents and analyzes them as to whether or not there is a case, where there's medical malpractice, nursing home or some other personal injury. Once we do that and determined that there is a case, we will contact our experts typically out of state to consult with, to figure out the best way to proceed.
Once we do that, we will file the lawsuit and begin a process called discovery. The first part of discovery is written discovery where we will exchange letters, documents with the other side. We provide that to the defense, the defense provides that to us, and we move forward. Once those documents are looked at and analyzed, we determine who needs to testify. We start taking deposition testimony, that's oral discovery. Deposition testimony is when you have certain witnesses under oath that will sit down and tell their side of the story. Once all of that is complete, we will be ready for a meaningful mediation. At that mediation if we are in a position to settle the case, we will do it, but we always work from a position of strength.
If we are not able to settle the case, we will continue to work the case up and then take it to trial. At trial, the case will be heard by a jury of 12 people. Those 12 people will have to decide unanimously in your favor. If they don't, then the case is over and you've lost with the potential for appeal. If indeed the jury sides with you, then you can move forward and accept the judgment. That's the process. Again, I'm Blake Smith of Parham Smith and Archenhold serving all of South Carolina. Call 864-990-4581