Ancient Egypt of Monogamy Top 8 Facts

2016-01-22 2

Facts : 1 Ancient Egypt Although an Egyptian man was free to marry several women at a time, and some wealthy men from Old and Middle Kingdoms did have more than one wife, monogamy was the norm
Facts : 2 a Nineteenth Dynasty official stated as proof of his love to his deceased wife that he had stayed married to her since their youth, even after he had become very successful (P
Facts : 3 This may suggest that some men abandoned first wives of a low social status and married women of higher status in order to further their careers although even then they lived with only one wife
Facts : 4 Egyptian women had right to ask for a divorce if her husband took a second wife
Facts : 5 Many tomb reliefs testify to monogamous character of Egyptian marriages, officials are usually accompanied by a supportive wife
Facts : 6 His wife X, his beloved is the standard phrase identifying wives in tomb inscriptions
Facts : 7 Instruction of Ptahhotep or Instruction of Any, support fidelity to monogamous marriage life, calling the wife a Lady of the house
Facts : 8 The Instruction of Ankhsheshonq suggests that it is wrong to abandon a wife because of her barrenness