FAL with Grenade Launcher

2016-01-24 31

It's been a while when I made it, but I wanted to wait for some reason. It's the Fal Custom! Grenade launcher isn't functionnal (thank god), it has an optical scope ...

1. set up two custom classes you need 1.bling2.stoppingpower3.ninja with grenade laucher and red dot sight also need a spas ...

FN FAL rifle grenade used in combat in Sirte during the Libyan civil war. Filmed by Matthew VanDyke, the American who fought in the Libyan revolution ...

Ok so I just found this glitch and to do it you are going to need too make two classes - Class 1 - FAL Grenade Launcher, Semtex, any Pistol! Class 2 - FAL ...

A glitch for auto semi auto weapons (works on Intervention too!) Tutorial: Class 1-Fal w/ bling (Red dot sight + Grenade Launcher) Semtex Class 2-Fal w/ ...

It's a working replica of the FN FAL it has a removable mag a grenade launcher and a red dot sight leave a comment what gun should i make next . Thanks 4 ...

Grenade launching is a skill that everybody should have. I'm just trying to do my P- as an American citizen and master this useful skill. The grenades are fired ...

About: FN FAL is a new assult rifle, that will be added in CF CN in August patch. Unlike the custom variant in CF Japan, this one lacks both grenade launcher ...

FAL w/ Grenade Launcher Sleight of Hand Stopping Power Ninja Started this game halfway through and managed to get the win, Had a fail at the end though ...

How to do auto Fal Glitch: 1. Make 2 Classes Class 1- Fal with desert camouflage and Grenade Launcher Perk 1- One Man Army Perk 2- Any Perk 3- Any Class ...

A dummy grenade launched by blank on a FAL by my friend Bruce. Obviously I got a kick out of it.

664TV just wanted to give some attention to the FAL from modern warfare 2. Great iron sights for suppressor or grenade launcher attachments, and my favorite ...

This seven minute action packed video montage, Showcase's the DSA line of weapons: OSW line up. SPR'S, SA58PKP, R.P.D. Semi-Automatic Rifle, ZM-4 ...

READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tactical Nuke on Highrise with my FAL Grenade Launcher.. With this kit you can get a nuke anytime. This video is not out to show skill in any way.

You guys all know CF has two version of this gun, Normal and Camo one (Used in Hero Mode). However, an unknown glitch appears in CF VN has caused the ...

have to classes fal grenade launcher and fal biing red dot and grenade launcher get both guns fal grenad the fal bling shoot both noob tubes then pick up pistiol ...


FAL with Grenade Launcher

FAL with Grenade Launcher