.357 Magnum S & W Model 19

2016-01-24 2

A close-up look at the classic S & W Model 19. Nothing like the feel and look of blue steel and wood!

A much-needed return visit with the classic S&W Model 19 .357 Magnum revolver. Why did I wait so long! First video on this revolver: ...

Demonstration and shooting of an old 4" S&W Model 19 .357 Magnum. Holster Link:

Another look at this classic S&W revolver. Don't you just love these "old school" wheel guns!

point of view firing .357 loads in a smith and wesson model 19.

S&W Model 19 Chapter 2 .357 Magnum

S&W Model 19 Chapter 2 .357 Magnum