Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus - Walkthrough - Mission 1 - Nebulox Seven

2016-01-22 3

Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus First Mission WalkthroughGuide in High Definition
Played on Legend difficulty
Mission 1 - The Introduction: Nebulox Seven.
Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus - Walkthrough Playlist:
●Location: Nebulox Seven
- Wake up Cronk and Zephyr
- Go to the Monitoring Station
- Go to the Containment Wing to secure Vendra Prog
- Reactivate the Proton Field on Vendras cell
- Restore power to the Nebulox Seven
- Stop Thugs from freeing Vendra Prog
- Find Vendra Prog on the Nebulox bridge
- Escape the Nebulox debris field
● Trophies:
- Leap for Your Life: Grav-Leap to the Thug ship circling the Nebulox Seven
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