singaporean asian girl gets taunted on bus and bathroom updates

2016-01-21 1

Sup guys bros and women so like basically u guys read that fcuking title of this blog and u know exactly what the fuck its about so obiviously from last week its about this hot ass sexy Asian Singaporean girl that gets harassed by this old ass china singaporean bitch that thinks shes taunting and harassing the poor young beautiful sexy hot asian girl thats almost dressed like a pop cosplay anime manga girl in a sexy slutty school outfit =P fuck yeah hubba fucking hubba like besides that im giving that young hot sexy asian girl a standing ovation for standing up for herself and protecting herself from getting her ID checked when that old asin bitch took pics of her face on the camera and slapped it out of her hand u go baby girl u cute sexy asian angel goddess and if u ppls knew me in real life u already know i like White and Latina girls but i have a huge ass yellow fever fetish and a huge love for sexy hot ass asian girls that are goddeşes of this world one of gods most beautiful creations ever =D(not i know i should say that about my latina women in my race but sorry i just love asian women a tiny bit more )but other than that i also gave a few shoutouts mainly these 2 LP gamers i think one works for Machinima Realm and its not Nova Seamus or slyfox hound his names the Gamercaves definitly subscribe to those guys they definitly need more subs ok take care ppls ill see u guys and women around laters oh and my next vdeios gonna be a bout a 2 week update about the bronies facebook page its about the fan made pony Colgate shes freaking cool even though my top 3 ponies are Derpy Hooves Pinkie Pie and Discords daughter Screwball later ppls im gone BYE!oh heres the link to the
Bronies facebook fan page for MLP aka my little pony see ya: and the real brony website i mean for deviant art and Equestria Daily

Also the links to the asian girl that got harassed byu that old lady bitch.

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