China Syndrome at Fukushima, Melted Cores Moved Into the Earth, Japan Govt in Chaos 8/10/13

2016-01-21 14

Very likely some of Fukushimas melted cores have moved into the earth — Its beyond containment right now
Paul Gunter director of the reactor oversight project at Beyond Nuclear: Indications are right now that the reactor structures themselves have been breached.
Its very likely that some of the radioactive material — the melted cores — have moved into the earth.
So its beyond containment right now.
I think thats the tragedy that we see unfolding as Fukushimas radioactive water crisis is only beginning.

02:37 PM EST on August 10th, 2013 | 79 comments
Japan Govt in Chaos: Completely out of control at Fukushima — Melted reactor cores contaminating Pacific with full range of radioactive material (VIDEO)
At 1:15 in
Paul Gunter, director of the reactor oversight project at Beyond Nuclear: Were seeing a full range of radioactive contaminants now moving, which indicate that the damaged cores of these reactors — the meltdowns themselves — are now contributing to the contamination in the Pacific Ocean and groundwater. [.]
Right now were seeing the Japanese government is in chaos.
The fact that the revelation of this extensive contamination is coming now — more than two years after the accident occurred — indicates that its completely out of control. [.]
The Movie The China Syndrome Trailer

Please feel free to remix any or all of my videos. Im 2 days behind and trying to catch up.