2016-01-20 57

United Nations set to back Palestinian flag-raising
Carnage in Mecca: At least 101 people killed after Bin Laden firm crane collapses on Grand Mosque during freak lightning storm
Upsetting pictures on social media show bodies strewn across floor after crane crashed straight through ceiling
Accident struck while millions of Muslims are in the holy city for annual hajj pilgrimage which starts later this month
Authorities had issued extreme weather warnings and earlier photos capture mosque being struck by lightning
Crane part of massive project to increase the area of the mosque so it can accommodate 2.2million people at once
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6s are wild.. @ 6:06 in the video he goes 666.. Antichrist Obamanation & False Prophet Pope
Antichrist Obamanations A Closing Argument to the Everyman 10-29-2008
Watch Senate debate on a resolution of disapproval of the Iran nuclear agreement Link
Obamanation Seals Iran NUKE DEAL, NWO Puppet PM Netanyahu Ready to DIVIDE JERUSALEM -
A Look into the SOULLESS Eyes of the False Prophet Pope, with his Smug Grin After Dividing Jerusalem -
False Prophet Pope calls Demonic Islamic Palestinian leader angel of peace, Divides Jerusalem -
False Prophet Pope Urges UN/Lucifers Trust, Take Action on Climate Change After Dividing Jerusalem -
New York Post July 15, 2015: ‘JOKE’S ON US’ Iranians Laugh Out Loud at Obamanations Nuke Deal WW3 -
American Pharoah OBAMAnation Antichrist Says hes Muslim & Christian Matthew 24:33 -
Lucifers Trust aka UN Human Rights Council Resolution Calls for End to Israeli Occupation -
UN aka LucifersTrust, Climate Change Official, “We Should Make Every Effort” To Depopulate Planet
Obama @ U.N. aka Lucifers Trust; ISIS Calls for Dismantling network of Death
Netanyahu LIED and WILL Divide Jerusalem with the UN and Obamanation oops there is
Netanyahu NWO Puppet Didnt Change His Mind, nor was he pressured to divide Jersualem -
Netanyahu Lied and WILL Divide Jerusalem with the UN and Obamanation oops there is -
Obama UN New Mideast Peace Efforts with Israel after False Prophet Pope Divides Israel Unilaterally -
U.N. aka Lucifers Trust, Global Prayer to Lucifer & Maitreya June 12, 2014 ISIS Attacks Baghdad. -
International Day of Peace Sept 21, 2015 is commanded O people, nations, languages, Peace, safety; -
U.N. Lucifers Trust Peace & Security in Africa Ebola Summit - Luciferian New World Order -
Lucifers Trust U.N. Traitor Powers tells Russia to leave the upside down world it has created -
U.N. MUSLIM MARXIST human-rights chief from JORDON scolds U.S. on Race & Ferguson Mo LOL -
United Nations Lucifers Trust Luciferian New World Order Religion all religions merged into one. -
French UN 18-month deadline for Israeli-Palestinian Deal. Obamanation plays the Race Card on Israel. -
3 more weeks till Sept 13 Rosh Hashana Eclipse shemitah then last Bood Moon tetrad
Obamanation of Desolation Father of Lies New World Order Sodom and Gomorrah Earth Destablized -
Iran says finds unexpectedly high uranium reserve.. suddenly unexpectedly ;)
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran has discovered an unexpectedly high reserve of uranium and will soon begin extracting the radioactive element at a new mine, the head of Irans Atomic Energy Organisation said on Saturday.

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