Small Guys - What Life Feels Like For Small Guys

2016-01-20 9

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Small Guys - What Life Feels Like for Small Guys
Ive always grown up as a very small guy. In fact in growing up I was the smallest person for my age group in the country. I had to have assistance in order to grow. For a long time it was thought I would be a midget. Here I describe what life is like for a small guy. I explain first how difficult it is to socialize. Guys your age look at your height as being important and may not take you seriously because of how small and short you are. Women also look at a guys height as one of the first things they look for in a male. You are at a significant natural disadvantage for romantic relationships if you are small and short. When you walk down the street people look at your height. With guys I was targeted to be picked on and girls and women write you off as a prospective boyfriend because your too small. It is a persons height, not their weight which is a defining aspect that people differentiate you. I explain how I was often made fun of and bullied in school and how I was often scared to go to school. Its not just in the social world that being small impacts you. In the corporate world you cannot move into the high levels of a corporation because they want a corporate man which needs to be tall, dark and handsome. In sports you also have to be a certain height to make the teams and find success. Even Presidents and Prime Ministers are taller men and it is because people want to be lead by a tall man. Being small and short is a defining aspect in many areas of your success or failure. No matter how nice you are, how nice you look, or how well you take care of yourself, being small is a permanent disadvantage you can do nothing about. While being small or short you try to overcompensate by being good at something else. I was good at academics and speaking, hoping I would make up for my being small by excelling in those areas. But at the end of day, when its all said and done, its hard to be small and short. By Jake Johnston






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