Short Mens Clothing Haul - A Big Mans Problem!

2016-01-20 2

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SHORT MENs Clothing Haul.A BIG MAN Problem!! Funny.
In this video I explain the reason for me sticking to my James Dean Outfit is because it fits. In fashion, particularly mens fashion there is now room for the short guy. Or for the really big guy or fat guy or really skinny guy for that matter. The clothing industry makes clothes for mannequins with the standard small medium and large and extra large not being enough for people that are small like me to fit into. I show examples of small underwear, tee shirts, pants, shoes, belt and a coat and how ridiculously large they are and they are suppose to be small. Nothing fits and sometimes I have to go to another country to fit into the proper clothes and shoes. I wish that the fashion and clothing industry would have more clothes that fit me. I feel like I speak for people of all a variety of sizes that dont fit into the standard size clothes. Its funny to see all these small clothes and how badly they fit. By Jake Johnston



