Terrorists stormed the Bacha Khan University in Charsadda on Wednesday morning on ARY News.

2016-01-20 272

According to police sources, firing can be heard from inside the university where students, teachers and administration staff are present. Sources add that two security guards have been injured in exchange of fire.

The Bacha Khan University is a public university approximately 15 kilometers from Charsadda main. It is named after the peace activist and leader Bacha Khan whose message of peace remains the motto of the university.

The attack comes on the same date as his death anniversary when a poetic symposium has been organized on campus.

Security forces are present on site and are combating the terrorists in a gunfight, but as yet are not sure how many terrorists are holed up inside the university.

According to Geo News reporter present on site, at least five injured have been taken out from the university and are being shifted to the hospital while a heavy contingent of police is present and is taking part in an operation against the armed terrorists who are said to be hiding in different parts of the university.

Majority of the injured are being taken to the District Headquarter (DHQ) hospital where nine injured are being treated. However rescue services add that as many as 50 people have been injured many of whom are being treated on site. Those in critical condition are being shifted to hospitals in Peshawar

10:00AM - Geo News reported that students are being evacuated from classes and are being loaded onto busses present inside the university and are being shifted to safety.