Tyler Fernengel BMX Session: Silverdome

2016-01-19 6

More action on the bike right here: Tyler Fernengel – an up and coming BMX star – [-s-e-]ssions the abandoned Silverdome in Pontiac, MI, .

CLICK to watch Tyler's [F-L] Silverdome [-s-e-]ssion: Raditudes is back in 2015 for a [-s-e-]cond [-s-e-]ason! BMX pro Tyler Fernengel and .

Tyler has been down with the Markit boys for a bit but here's his first official edit for them. Tyler's young and better than everyone already, the future is scarier .

Best Flatland BMX Tricks Ever - One Love Jam 2015 BMX Freestyle [F-L-M] 2014/2015 () ERIC LICHTENBERGER - STRANGER BMX 2015 Best Flatland .