Israel Bible Prophecy & Ezekiel Temple Watch Trailer

2016-01-17 2

We are in the Beginning of Sorrows, see Math. 24:8. Bible prophecy pertaining to Israel mostly and tied into daily news. We always use scriptures to make any biblical position. The KJV is usually what is used although sometimes we dive into the Hebrew and Greek as well. While entirely biblical you might see some things in Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Hosea, Zephaniah, Malachi and the New Testament you were not aware of before but again let the scriptures be a light unto your path. We will discuss the Two Witnesses of Rev 11 and Zechariah 4, the Glory of God who occupies the Temples, see Ezek. chapts 8-11 and 43 and Acts 7:55. We get into the end times Battles and why the weapons are Roman era type. Your host is Moshe who is an Israelite believer in Yeshua Ha Mashiach and a Cohen (Cohens are part of the Levites). You will probably be challenged by this channel in a good way. Thanks.