Leonardo DiCaprio Hints There Were Times He Thought He Should Have Won An Oscar

2016-01-17 12

Leonardo di Caprio has five acting nominations plus an additional nod as a producer, the most recent coming for Best Actor for The Revenant.
As the film, which leads the way at the Oscars with 12 nominations in total, including one for Tom Hardy for Best Supporting Actor, is now in UK cinemas, DiCaprio gave an interview on BBC1’s Andrew Marr Show in which he hinted there were times when he thought he should have actually won a damn Oscar.
When asked whether he was refusing to get too excited over the Oscars buzz this year, Leo said: “Well, the truth of the matter is that I’ve been in situations before where I thought films or performances, either mine or others, should be either nominated, or films should be more adored by the public or critics should revere it more - it’s beyond your control.”