Super Mario Bros Theme Song (Hip-Hop Remix Instrumental)

2016-01-17 18

Hey there.

For this year I want to produce more, and more beats. Last Christmas, I was nostalgic so I bought an old tv game console (Terminator) for those who knows it. :) I was playing Super Mario like 20 years ago, on tv, with my mother.

Last night, I was surfing around on youtube and I somehaw got on Super Mario Bros soundtrack. I was like "oh, shit!". I listen it random and came the ideea to make an hip-hop beat from it. So, ok, I sample some sound from it , adding some drums and some bass and voila! I like to keep it simple and I thought it's a beat made just from fun, so, I don't really arrange it very much etc. I have fun with it. After I finish the beat, I was looking for an artwork.I wanted to be original like the isntrumental so because I can make some drawing to, I made it. I don't know, I feel like I mix coke and bleach, but I like it, it was fun for me.

So, what you have heard is an hip-hop instrumental made with an sample from Super Mario Bros main theme song, and an artwork made by me, by interpolate some images.

If you like it, please visit my site: I have in there other beats.

P.S I try to raise some money with Indigogo crowdfound platform. Please check it here: