Filmed @ Smalmstown Farm near Longtown on Friday 22/08/2014. This farm has around a 1000 Milking Cows. Thanks to Chris I was able to film, the Krone Big .\r
Silage time with the Krone Big X 700 Filmed near Longtown, Cumbria:) 3 New Holland T7.200,New Holland T6070,MF 7618,MF7620, Fendt with Triple Mowers:)\r
Krone Big X 700 12 Row Maize Header (3) (Driver Chris Lidgey) Maize is going back to Randalinton Farm near Longtown Cumbria (Mark Armstrong) Tractors .\r
This video is about Krone Big X 700 12 Row Header (2) The Maize is going back to Randalinton Farm (Mark Armstrong) Krone Big X 700 Driver (Chris Lidgey) .