Sikh is a Panth and not a tribe; Fanatics proclaim Sikh Kom and die like flies. This Planet earth is for the tribal

2016-01-16 11

Sikh is a Panth and not a tribe; Fanatics proclaim Sikh Kom and die like flies. This Planet earth is for the tribal people and not Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Jew, etc. You will see them killing each other. Very serious in the Punjab. For your own protection, keep your tribal identity explicit but do not display ego of your tribal birth.

There were six Satgurus, the sons of Most High, who were not allowed to take the life of any and Four Sache Patshah, who were allowed take life.

Sache Patshah Har Gobind Ji entered this Complex in the name of Har and in the name of Gobind, he constructed the Loh Garh Killah.

Think of it properly. Bhindranwala was neither a Sikh that instead of presenting the other cheek, he carried Guns and nor a Khalsa of Sache Patshah Gobind Singh Ji. Remember Sache Patshah Har Gobind Ji did not organise the Third Khalsa or the Fourth Nirmalle Santan but He Laid the Foundations of the two on Upkari basis. Royal King Gobind Singh, the very ROOP of Akal Purakh, then organised the PAR UPKARI Khalsas, the Fauj of Akal Purakh and Nirmalle Sant, the Apostles of Akal Purakh. Both of them are purely spiritual of the order of Melchzedik Sadhu. A Sadhu is never a married person but solitary. Meran Bhai and not Behan was also solitary. If the Khalsas were married people, then they would have kept the Begums of Ahmed Shah Abdali to themselves. The state of Kapurthalla was offered to TATT Khalsas but they refused to accept it and told the person to give it to the man looking after their horses. Khalsas rule over our hearts and not Land. Banda Bahadur was a MunnMukh Khalsa whilst the Forty Muktte were BaeMukh Khalsas. BaeMukh earned their forgiveness but not the MunnMukh. Chaudhry Ranjit Sandhu Brar was given the rule for 40 years and showed his devotion but in great Foolishness. Satguru Ram Dass Ji refused to accept Landed property for Harmandir Sahib, this Foolish Jatt allocated lands to Gurdwaras as well to breed greedy Mahant. Greedy Khatris enjoyed Gold plating to Harmandir Sahib making it a place of attraction than of learning as that of Bhagat Farid Ji in Faridkot.

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