Unfortunately Marmalade scratched his eye on Sunday, I'm 99% sure it was on the popcorn ceiling in our closet when he squeezed on top of a box and scrambled to get to the other side and 20 mins later it was obviously irritating him.
We went to the vet the same day, they flushed out his eye and then stained it which helped detect the scrape on the surface of his right eye…. Luckily the scrape isn't anything serious and he's responding well to the eye drops we have to give him every 12 hours for the next two weeks.
As you can see he needs to wear an e-collar to prevent him from rubbing his eye and making it any worse and his right pupil will be dilated like this until after his treatment is finished.
I thought since many of our subscribers don't follow us on Facebook it would be good to post this short video to let everyone know what's happening and I'm sure he'll be back to normal in no time at all.
Thanks everyone :)
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