President Vladimir Putin Claims That Russia Has Invented World's Most Effective Ebola Drug

2016-01-14 12

Russian President Vladimir Putin surprised health officials across the world today when he announced that his country has invented the world’s most effective drug against Ebola.
At a government meeting today, Putin told officials that Russia had registered a new medicine against the deadly illness for which an effective treatment remained elusive, the Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported.
“We have good news.
We have registered a medicine for the Ebola fever, which after the relevant tests, has proven to have a high effectiveness, higher than those drugs which until now have been used in the world,” Putin said, referring to the vaccine developed by Russian scientists.
But experts immediately raised doubts about Putin’s claims.
A scientist who helped develop an Ebola vaccine with very high success rate in clinical trials and which is the only vaccine to have passed the highest stage of testing, called the claims nonsensical.

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