【潜行者】The Stalker 20 苗寨首领竟是柳小宛亲哥 The leader of stockade was Xiaowan's brother actually

2016-01-14 44

Yan Zhengfang ordered to tie up Li Zhengbai,then proudly opened the box.There was a gun which Ma Yufei pointed at him.Yan Zhengfang shocked immediately, but not panic and then make a whistle.Unexpectedly,Yan Zhengfang ’s subordinates took Lu Qingyao out.
严正方命令李正白等人互相绑好,而后得意洋洋地打开箱子,不料里面伸出了 一只枪口,马宇飞举枪对着他,严正方当即愣住,却并不惊慌,而是打了一声 唿哨,严正方的手下竟然押着陆清瑶走了出来。