Bill O’Reilly Confronts Ben Carson for Defending Ray Rice

2016-01-13 8

O’Reilly Confronts Ben Carson for Saying Ray Rice Shouldn’t Be ‘Demonized’
Dr. Ben Carson pleaded earlier this week that people not “demonize” Ray Rice. He said, “Rather than just jumping on a punitive bandwagon, let’s just see if we can get some help for these people.” Bill O’Reilly brought Carson on his show tonight to confront him on why he thinks it’s going too far to demonize a man who was caught on video beating his wife.
O’Reilly asked, “Shouldn’t we demonize him and others like him to send a message that this can’t happen in America, this kind of violence?” Carson doubted that “demonizing anyone is ever the right thing to do,” though O’Reilly had to point out it is kind of warranted when it comes to, say, terrorists and, to a lesser extent, people who commit such violent acts.

Bill O’Reilly Ray Rice
Bill O’Reilly Ray Rice
Bill O’Reilly Ray Rice
c Ray Rice
Bill O’Reilly Ben Carson
Bill O’Reilly Ben Carson
Bill O’Reilly Ben Carson
Bill O’Reilly Ben Carson
Ben Carson Ray Rice
Ben Carson Ray Rice
Ben Carson Ray Rice
Ben Carson Ray Rice
Ben Carson Ray Rice