PRIME TIME NEWS 22:00 Pres. Park says Korea-U.S. alliance will be upgraded through reunifi

2016-01-13 0

ARIRANG NEWS 22:00 Good to have you with us at this hour. I′m Daniel Choy. S. Korea, U.S. reaffirm alliance during Pres. Park′s Washington visit We begin .\r
PRIME TIME NEWS 22:00 For the first time Seoul and Washington will adopt a joint statement on Pyongyang′s nuclear ambitions. The historic event will follow .\r
PRIME TIME NEWS 22:00 President Park Geun-hye is in Washington. The highlight of her 4-day visit will be her 4th summit with U.S. President Barack Obama.\r
PRIME TIME NEWS 22:00 President Park Geun-hye pays her respect to American soldiers who gave their lives for Korea′s freedom at the Korean War .