Namrata Joshipura was announced as the Grand Finale designer for Lakmé Fashion Week Summer/Resort 2013. The Delhi-based designer definitely did not disappoint! She sent down her signature line of sexy, slashed to the thigh gowns, with plenty of sparkle.
Sharp trouser suits, sexy pencil skirts and, red-carpet-worthy gowns were seen on the catwalk. Neon pumps with spike detailed at the heels, and futuristic studded headgear gave the clothes plenty of spunk. Veteran models Carol Gracias and Bhawna Sharma were spotted strutting their stuff, and when the neon lights dimmed, the star power of show-stopper Kareena Kapoor-Khan shone through. The actress walked with complete ease and attitude onto the runway in sequinned, coral palazzo pants, with a sheer pink shirt. A sparkly candy-pink jacket added some extra a glam to her outfit. We've never seen M.s Kapoor-Khan in this silhouette, and I have to admit I liked it!