Frozen Elsa Kids Alex SECRET ADMIRER Elsa & Anna Barbie Kelly Park Frozen Kids DisneyCarTo

2016-01-11 1

Frozen Elsas son Alex dreams that he is a superhero with Spiderman! DisneyCarToys made this Disney Princess and Barbie parody. Disney Frozen Elsa tucks .\r
Disney Frozen Elsas kid Alex gets a Secret Admirer at school on Valentines Day. Disney Princess Anna & Elsa are in the Frozen dollhouse castle with Felicia .\r
Frozen Elsa and the Frozen Kids go on a family road trip in a Barbie RV Camper. Elsa and Prince Felix accidentally hit and run over Barbies foot with the RV .\r
Frozen Elsas son gets sick and goes to the hospital. Frozen kid Alex has a stomachache and doesnt want to clean up his Legos toys and Disney Cars micro .\r