Trump says NFL football has gone soft : Donald Trump in the news

2016-01-11 11

At a presidential campaign event in Reno, Nevada, Sunday, the Republican front-runner, Donald Trump set his sights on a new target: the NFL.
"Football's become soft,” Trump declared.
“Football has become soft like our country has become soft.”
Trump took particular issue with the way the games are officiated.
He suggested that NFL referees make unnecessary penalty calls, saying they “throw flags so their wife sees them at home.”
“Who the hell wants to watch these crummy games?”
the New York real estate mogul asked.
“I just want to watch the end.”
Trump was quick to assure his audience that his ire does not reflect on one specific player: Tom Brady.
The two are longtime friends, and Brady was spotted with a signature Trump “Make America Great Again” hat in his locker.
But the football star has noted that he is not officially supporting any candidate at this time.

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