Protomaker 3D Printer Heat bed SSR test success. RAMPS 1.4 via 24 Volts

2016-01-11 5

Protomaker 3D Printer Heat bed SSR test success

3D Printer 24V Heat bed SSR test success

Using RAMPs 1.4, with a 12864 LCD display, control a 24 Volt 300 Watt heat pad.

The 24 Volt 300 Watt heat pad is controlled on and off via the Solid State Relay, SSR.

The Solid State Relay is controlled via the RAMPS 1.4 which is powered via a 24 Volt to 12 Volt car voltage step down device. A 24 Volt 500 Watt Power supply unit powers the 24 Volt 300 Watt heat pad via the Solid State Relay which is controlled via the RAMPS at 12 Volts.

So the RAMPS 1.4 is powered at 12 Volts via 12 Volts from the car voltage step down device which gets its 24 Volts input from the same 24 Volt 500 Watt Power supply as the one that also powers the 24 Volts 300 Watt heat pad.

24Volt to 12 Volts, via the RAMPS caused some LED strip light flicker, but I fixed this:-

Test program, moves steppers, etc. Not includes extruder heaters on and off, etc, so be careful using
Get it here:

PSU I use is the 24 Volts 20 Amps 480 Watts model
eBay Seller: delhanway2009
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The Heat bed custom built 275mm x 225mm 24 Volts 300 Watts
Very helpful seller will custom build heat pads, size volts, etc and help advice where possible
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