EARLY EDITION 18:00 Various cultural events held on 569th Hangeul Day

2016-01-09 0

PRIME TIME NEWS 22:00 • Coming up on our newscast. Koreans and foreigners alike join in numerous events held around the nation to celebrate the birth of .\r
ARIRANG NEWS 18:00 Title: Various cultural events held on 569th Hangeul Day It′s a national holiday today here in Korea to celebrate the birth of the Korean .\r
PRIME TIME NEWS 22:00 FIFA provisionally suspends Sepp Blatter for 90 days much to the delight of FIFA presidential candidate Chung Mong-joon who was .\r
PRIME TIME NEWS 22:00 President Park Geun-hye is set to meet with her Japanese counterpart for the first time since taking office. But expectations for any .