The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is the specialized system of capillary endothelial cells that protects the brain from harmful substances in the blood stream, while supplying the brain with the required nutrients for proper function. Unlike peripheral capillaries that allow relatively free exchange of substance across / between cells, the BBB strictly limits transport into the brain through both physical (tight junctions) and metabolic (enzymes) barriers.Sleep disorders, she learned, are common among people exposed to high levels of electromagnetic pollution.…there is nothing “safe” about the new 1.9 gigahertz broadcasting frequency. Much like a boxer taking repeated blows to the head, rapidly pulsing cellphones signal permanent brain damage. A study by Dr. Peter Franch found unequivocally that “cells are permanently damaged by cellular phone frequencies.” This cellular damage, Franch noted, is maximized at low dosage - and “inherited unchanged, from generation to generation.”….the production of histamine, which triggers bronchial spasms, is nearly doubled after exposure to mobile phone transmissions. Cellphones also reduce the effectiveness of anti-asthmatic drugs, and retard recovery from illness.…. 217 Hz spikes are very close to the frequencies of human cell membranes. …..because cancer takes decades to develop, it will be another 10 or 20 years before “mobiles” manifest a big bonanza in brain tumors. But he adds, we’re already seeing “acute effects that are noticed within minutes of using a cell phone.”After two minutes’ conversation, a cell phone’s digitized impulses disable the safety barrier that isolates the brain from destructive proteins and poisons in the blood. ……If you must pack a cell phone, treat it like a loaded pistol. Keep it turned off. Don’t carry it near ovaries, testicles, or the heart. For partial protection, buy an antenna shield. Limit calls to one-minute, six to 10 minutes a month. Never fire off a cellphone with children anywhere in sight.