Yoga for complete beginners. 20 minute gentle yoga class to give you greater relaxation, more energy and joy.
Salabhasana benefits :
1. Helps in weight reduction
2. Tightening of hamstring muscles for thighs
3. Reducing back and Shoulder Pain
Bhujangasana benefits :
1. Helps Strengthens back muscles
2. Strengthens the spine & keep it flexible
3. Strengthens the shoulders
Pawanmuktasana benefits :
1. Good for the digestive system, Strengthens knee joints and keeps them flexible.
2. Improves flexibility of the spine
Aswasanchalan benefits :
1. Strengthens the waist & hips
2. Helps reduce body fat, Reduces back and cervical pain
3. Improves flexibility of the spine
Dhanurasana benefits :
1. Reduces weight around the abdominal area
2. Strengthen the lumber, back and neck muscles
Sarvangasana benefits :
1. Increases blood flow to the brain
2. Reduced stress,
3. Increases memory power
4. Adds glow to skin
Halasana benefits :
1. Reduces fat around the waist & abdominal area
2. Adds glow to the face
3. Beneficial in menstrual & thyroid problems
Ustasana benefits :
1. Increases blood circulation to the brain
2. Reduces cervical pain
3. Strengthens abdominal muscles
4. Strengthens khnee joints & thigh muscles
Vibhakta Paschimottanasana benefits :
1. Ensure a quick reduction of the waistline & abdominal facts.
2. Very effective in curing problems related to amoebiosis
3. Helps to reduce knee problems and pain
4. It aids in curing heart related problems
5. It also beneficial in improving sexual power
Triyaktadasana benefits :
1. Reduces fats from chest & waist
2. Beneficial for kidney related problems
3. Strengthens back muscles
Pranayam benefits :
1. Calms the mind
2. Cleanses the system
3. Regulates vital life force
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