Yog Sadhana - Kapalbhati Pranayam - English

2016-01-07 2

Kapalbhati pranayama is the only physical and breathing technique useful for mind detoxification and purification. In all of the cleansing routines of yoga, kapalbhati is the only one which can cleanse both the mind and the body using only breath. As a de-stressing tool, kapalbhati breathing has shown remarkable results. Some of the more prominent yoga gurus have worked hard to popularize this technique all over the world. It is this reason that the technique is often also known as baba Ramdev kapalbhati.
Kapalbhati Pranayama Benefits :
Some people perform this technique simply for its relaxing benefits, while others perform it for the physical benefits it offers. Some people perform kapalbhati for weight loss as well because it works up the respiratory system and the abdominal muscles, helping you tone out your musculature and improve body tone.
Kapalbhati clears the respiratory passages, minimizing risks of infections and allergies in the respiratory system. With the forceful breaths of kapalbhati, the allergens and the infectious materials in the lungs and the respiratory passages are blown away and removed from the body.
The exercise technique also helps improve the flexibility of the diaphragm. With the breathing technique used for this yogic kriya, the diaphragm gets plenty of exercise, becomes more pliable and improves circulation. As the diaphragm becomes stronger and more flexible, the risk of developing hernias also reduces drastically.

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