Hastauttanasana - Raised Hands Pose, Improve Back and Shoulder Strength - English

2016-01-07 6

Hasta Uttanasana; Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Hands Pose) is the second and eleventh poses of the Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) sequence. In this pose the body is stretched with inhalation. This is done by raising the hands above the head and trying to pull the ribs and the upper organs upwards. Also the back takes the weight of the body momentarily which strengthens it. Usually this pose is done during Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) since it is in the sequence of poses as it is easier to bend forward from this pose.
How to Practice Hasta Uttanasana?
Stand in Pranam Asana.
Take a few breaths and with inhalation rise the hands above the head.
Try to take the hands little behind the head. This will stretch the abdomen area more.
Bend the knees a little, which will help in moving the hands back some more. Once the flexibility increase it may not be needed to bend the knees.

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