Yoga For Kids - Triyaktadasana Yog For Growth And Hight - English

2016-01-07 19

In Yoga, it is very important to do some Warm-up Poses before a session so you will be physically ready for the Yoga Poses that you want to practice. Moreover, Warm-up exercises will prepare your body for more difficult poses in the future.
Yoga practice may look simple but this is a powerful activity. In fact, you can get hurt if you do Yoga Poses incorrectly, or you do not perform some stretching exercises before a Yoga class or session. As much as possible, do some Warm-up exercises so you will be prepared for any Yoga Pose that you want to do.
Practicing Yoga for more than thirty years and at the age where most people hang up their boots, so to speak, is an active individual leading a complete life. Scores of people all over India and abroad have benefited. the benefits of each of the asanas demonstrated in this series on various parts of the body are explained too.

How To Practice Triyak Tadasana?
Stand with feet around 2 to 3 feet apart.
With inhalation take the hands above your head and lock the fingers.
Now with exhalation stretch to your right. Try to bend as much as possible towards your waist.
Stay for around 10 breaths and with inhalation come back to original position.
Now repeat the same towards the left side.
Repeat the entire steps for 5 times.
With exhalation bring the hands down
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