Yoga For Kids - Nutritional Management For Growth And Hight - English

2016-01-07 18

Yoga is a way of life, not just an exercise system. All aspects of yoga work towards balance — which is the definition of physical and mental health. Nutritional balancing,as guided by hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (hTMA), can help to balance the autonomic nervous system; the sympathetic (the alarm system) and parasympathetic (rest and digest system). Rest and digest sounds more ideal, but too much parasympathetic input can lead to burn-out and low energy. Achieving balance is a delicate act, just like many yoga balance postures. For those individuals with a high stress lifestyle, both yoga and nutritional balancing are beneficial to stress management. Yoga contributes to stress management by utilizing slow stretching and holding postures that stretch and relax muscles. In addition, deep diaphragmatic breathing acts to calm the nervous system. If a student has low energy, other yoga postures can be rejuvenating or stimulating, bringing the energy more towards a balanced state.

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