How To Do Yoga Shunya Mudra for Relief in Diseases

2016-01-07 30

Shunya Mudra as harnessing the energies of the thumb and middle fingers, (fire and ether), to access the Heavenly Realm.

Modern science sees neural pathways being formed and energy being directed to specific areas of the body, here the sense of hearing is enhanced making this a healing tool for many types of ear, balance and hearing issues.

This mudra can also be useful in overcoming motion sickness and vertigo, release the fingers as soon as the symptoms have past.

Benefits of Shunya Mudra:
1) There are a number of benefits of performing the Shunya Mudra.
2) This is an excellent Mudra for dealing with all hearing related problems.
3) It can be used to treat earaches, ringing noises in the ears, and partial or complete deafness.
4) It can also help you overcome travel sickness or vertigo.
5) The Shunya mudra assists listening and speech. Primarily a remedy for ear afflictions.
6) Improves the voice of those who are dumb since birth.
7) Give relex to sudden sencelessness of body due to some shock.
8) Cures numbness in any part of the body.
9) For more details on any other mudras or any health benefits, visit my website.
10) Be Healthy, Be Happy and enjoy every moment of your life.