How To Do Yoga and Nutritional Management During Pregnancy

2016-01-07 8

Nutrition management is fundamental for the prevention of type 2 diabetes and effective management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The aim is for people with diabetes to obtain the knowledge, skills and confidence to make appropriate food choices to reduce risk, improve glycaemic control and quality of life.

Nutrition therapy has led to reductions in HbA1c of 1-2 per cent in people with newly diagnosed and existing type 2 diabetes.2 Dietary interventions can improve glycaemic control whilst also halting and even reversing progression of beta-cell failure and insulin resistance, thus reducing medication use in type 2 diabetes.3-5 Nutrition therapy can result in reduced health service utilisation and costs, and the savings may actually exceed the cost of providing the service.1,6
Intensive nutrition therapy has resulted in weight loss and improved glycaemic control at six months,5 12 months3 and four years.7 When insulin resistance dominates, weight loss is an effective strategy that increases insulin sensitivity, improving glycaemic control.8
During Pregnancy:-
Yoga during pregnancy is practiced in various ways such as physical exercises, breathing techniques, meditation, and deep relaxation. Gentle yoga exercises helps in keeping you active and ensures a smooth pregnancy. The chance of natural childbirth is high with yoga during pregnancy. The breathing techniques, when done properly, give abundant oxygen supply to both the mom and the fetus. Meditation helps you overcome the fears and anxiety associated with pregnancy and helps you connect with the unborn child. Deep relaxation or yogic sleep helps your body and mind to relax in preparation of childbirth. Mudras are positions of the hand and fingers that are said to lock and guide the energy flow to the brain. Women who practice yoga during pregnancy have less complication during pregnancy and delivery. Yoga is beneficial for everyone, but yoga during pregnancy is especially important. Women experience great hormonal, biological and anatomical changes during pregnancy that may cause extreme discomfort. They may also feel trapped, insecure and unsure of the outcome of the pregnancy. All of this may cause significant physical and emotional distress.
However, practicing yoga during pregnancy with proper modifications and approval from their health care professional, can help women find much needed relief, not only through reducing stress and instilling calmness, but also in helping to strengthen the body, releasing tension in the hips in preparation for birth, and increasing oxygen and energy. Yoga can increase confidence levels and stimulate the intuitive instincts. These components allow for a smooth, uncomplicated delivery.

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