How To Do Yoga Bhujangasana for Heart

2016-01-07 6

Cobra pose allows us to unlock our inner strength and beauty, it blossoms with our inner radiance. Ancient yogic teachings explain that we have an inner divine light that
shines brighter than a thousand suns. It is only veiled from us by the mind, which attaches to things that limit our perceptions of our self. From doing yoga, we learn to
explore and break through these attachments, the boundaries that limit us physically, mentally and spiritually.
This fundamental yoga pose stimulates the digestive and reproductive systems, strengthens the lungs and opens the heart.
This asana resembles the Serpent with its hand raised, hence it is called Bhujangasana. This is similar to that of Srpasana except that in Sarpasana knees do not rest on the floor but in Bhujangasana knees rest on the floor. Lie down on the floor, belly touching the floor,legs together, toes stretched backwards. Keep the palms near the chest and bend the head and the back upwards in a coverage position. Bending backwards is more important that lifting the body. Inhale and remain in this posture as long as you can hold the breath and then relax. Repeat this asana three to six time

Benefits: Bhujangasana makes the spine flexible, removes constipation, prevents Arthritis. The lungs becomes strong. Bhujangasana should be practiced along with Shalabhasana and Dhanurasana for deriving maximum benefit. Bowel movement is free and you will not suffer from any major old age problems. You can maintain good shape of the body throughout the life span. Make it a part of your daily routine and enjoy life to fullest extent.