Yoga For Digestive System - Improve Digestive Disorders In Tamil

2016-01-07 5

Yoga exercise for digestion will increase health and productive. Digesting food and having a healthy digestive system is very important. we must have proper digestion and elimination. For many people today, bowel health is an issue, especially those who do not get enough exercise, sit for too long and practice poor nutrition . Improper diet and elimination can lead to such conditions as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), gas, bloating, constipation or loose bowels.This Kundalini set (kriya) is designed to massage the intestines and digestive organs, to stimulate digestive fire and improve elimination and bowel health.

If you want to increase the intensity of this kriya, practice each posture for a couple of minutes longer than indicated on the video make sure you practice all postures equally for maximum effect.