Yoga For Young At Heart - Various Asana to Heart Diseases In Tamil

2016-01-07 2

Your heart is an amazing organ. It continuously pumps oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout your body, to sustain life. Our lifestyles and environment put a great strain on our hearts, leading to several heart problems.
The Let Go! Series Yoga for the Heart video, explains the working of the heart and the common causes of heart problems.
Marzasana -Go on your forelegs Bedning your back downwards raise your neck and try to stretch it backwards as much as you can. Benefits -Increases blood flow. Ardha Matsyendrasana -Sit with your legs spread out in front of you and keep them together. Bend your left leg and pull it below your right one. Raise and bend your left leg and place the foot of your left leg outside the right leg. Keeping the elbow on the outside of your leg. Bend your left hand behind your back. Sit in this position for as long as you can. Benefits -Keeps your body toned. Salabasana -Lie down on your stomach, Keep your hands below your thighs and Raise your right leg. Slowly bring the leg down and take your left leg up. Slowly bring that leg down and later raise both your legs. Repeat this regularly. Benefits -Reduces weight and make muscles strong. Bhujangasana - Lie on the floor upside down. Keep your legs together with your toes stretched backwards. Keep the palms near your chest and bend your head and the back upwards in a coverage position. At the same time curl your legs and bring it near your bent head. Benefits -Strengthens back muscles and makes spine strong. Sarvangasana - Lie flat on your back and inhale deeply while raising your legs and spine until the toes point to the ceiling. The body rests on the shoulders and the back of the neck. The body is supported by the hand, which are places on the center of the spine between the waist and the shoulder blades. Keep your legs and spine straight. Benefits -Increases blood flow and reduces stress. Pranayam - This mudra is formed by sitting in cross legged position. Hold your breath and close the right nostril with your thumb and inhale deeply through the other. Repeat the same with the other nostril. Benefits -Clams your mind and cleanses your system. Benefits -Strengthens back muscles and makes spine stronger.