Learn - Temperate Forests Ands Facts - Kids Learning Videos - Part 1

2016-01-07 25

Today, we will learn about Temperate Forest. Major tropical forests, Temperate Forests and Boreal or taiga forest. There are four seasons in Temperate Forest summer, winter, fall and spring.

Temperate rain forests typically have heavy rainfall and dense humidity.The Tropical forest have a wide spread on the tropical region. In the temperate region, winters are mild and rainfall is moderate.The forests have trees, scrubs and bushes.

The main trees found in these forests are oak, ash, maple, birch, beech, poplar, elm and pine. Hardwood evergreen trees which are widely spaced and are found in the Mediterranean region are olive, cork, oak, and stone pine.

Trees and plants in deciduous forests have special adaptations to survive in this biome. In the summer their broad green leaves capture sunlight and help the trees make food through photosynthesis.

In the cold winter, deciduous trees and plants go into dormancy, kind of like sleep. The warmer spring days signal to the trees that they can grow new leaves again, and restart the cycle.

Animals in temperate deciduous forests have to adapt to changing seasons.Some animals hibernate or migrate during the winter to escape the cold. Animals who do not hibernate or migrate must have special adaptations to deal with higher exposure to predators in the winter.