Surya Namaskara For Sex - Better Sex Through Yoga - Treatment, Tips & Cure in Tamil

2016-01-06 18

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a good way of maintaining health as it helps in weight loss and also provides good exercise for sex.

Surya Namaskar For Weight Loss :

Surya Namaskar relieves the body of the Pitta, Vata, and the Kapha, which is what the body is made of according to yogic science.

Technique :

Stand erect with hands on the sides.
Raise your arms and breathe in lifting the arms upwards and the back straight. Stretch the body from the heels to the ends of the fingers.
Exhale and bend down with the spine erect and bring the hands to the floor.
Bend the knees and keep the palms on the floor and try to straighten the knees.
Now push the right leg behind and keep the right knee on the floor and look upwards.
Inhale deeply and take the left leg behind and keep the entire body in a straight line.
Now bring the knees towards the ground and breathe out. Bringing the hips behind, move forward and keep your chin and chest on the ground. Now raise your back portion a little.
Move forward now and bring the chest upwards in the cobra pose.
Exhale and bring the hips as well as the tail bone upwards and the chest downwards and you would look like an inverted V.
Inhale now and bring the right leg forwards with your hands on either sides and the left knee on the ground , press the hips downwards and look upwards.
Exhale and take the left leg ahead. Now keeping the palms on the ground bend the knees.
Take your breath in and roll the back up and let the hands go behind bending backwards. The hips would be pushed outside.
Take your breath out and keep the body straight and bring your hands down. Now relax.

Benefits :

All these poses improve your sexual instincts as they relieve the body of a lot of stress and relaxes the muscles within.
Surya Namaskar is thus beneficial for losing weight and is good for health by way of providing you exercise for sex.