Dhanurasana For Asthma - Treatment, Tips & Cure in Tamil

2016-01-06 11

Dhanurasana is a form of yoga, which helps you to have a firm back and aids in protecting you from internal disorders.

Meaning :

The word Dhanura means bow and asana means pose in Sanskrit. So Dhanurasana is also called the bow pose as it looks like a bow.

Technique :

Lie on your belly with the feet and the hips apart. Your arms should fall on the side of the body.
Now fold your knees and clasp your ankles.
Inhale and take the chest off the ground and at the same time pull the legs back and upwards.
Now look ahead and do it with a smile on your face such that the smile resembles the bow you have formed with your arms.
Steady the pose and take long breaths inside.
After around 20 seconds breather out and bring the legs as well as the chest to the floor.
Now release the ankles and relax.

Benefits :

Strengthens the abdominal as well as back muscles.
Helps in stimulation of the reproductive organs.
Relaxes the neck, shoulders and the chest.
Tones the muscles of the arms and the neck.
Makes your back flexible.
It is a great way to relax a stressed mind.
All those problems of menstruation and constipation is eradicated
Helps people suffering from any kind of kidney problem.

Caution :

If you are suffering from hernia, high blood pressure, pain in the back, neck, have problems of migraine and headache, or have had a recent abdominal surgery then you should avoid this asana.
Do not practise this yoga posture if you are pregnant.

Dhanurasana has the benefits of attaining control over breath and eases the muscles in the chest region. Thus, it is a very good pose for asthma.

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