Yogic Chart For Kids Complete Fitness - Yoga Pose, Treatment, Diet Tips & Cure in Tamil

2016-01-06 10

Yoga is a good way of maintaining a balance between mind, body, and soul. One has to keep the mental as well as physical equilibrium intact. A yogic chart for kids is thus the best way to stay fit as well as maintains a good diet.

How to Maintain a Yogic Chart For Kids

Triyak Tadasana

Begin this pose by keeping the legs apart.
Inhale keeping the hands above the head and hold the fingers tight.
Exhale and bend to the right stretching the entire body towards the waist.
Inhale and come back to initial position.
You can repeat this on the left side too and complete the round.

This helps to keep the body and mind fit and the child would be able to concentrate well and perform well overall.

Nadishodhan Pranayam

The children can start this asana by sitting comfortably with an erect spine relaxing the shoulders.
Keep smiling while doing this asana and keep the tip of the index and the middle finger between the eyebrows.
The ring and the middle finger should be placed on the left nostril.
The thumb should clasp the right nostril.
The ring and the little finger are usually used to open or close the nostrils and the thumb governs opening and closing the right nostril.
Pressing the thumb thus on the right nostril breathe out through the left nostril.
Inhale from the left nostril and then press it slowly with the ring finger and the little finger.
Remove the thumb from the right nostril now and breather out from the right one.
Similarly inhale from the right nostril and exhale from the left one.
This process completes one round of nadishodhan Pranayam.
Eyes remaining closed inhale and exhale from the same nostril.

Besides this, you have Pascihmottansana, Padahastasana, Sarvangasana, Katichakrasana, for maintaining fitness in kids. This is thus a good yogic chart for kid’s fitness and diet.

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