Sarvanga means all parts and as the name suggests it can rejuevenate the entire body effecting you both physically and mentally through regulating the thyroid gland. Also good for varicose veins.
METHOD -- Lying on your back with arms alongside your torso and palms down, raise your legs up to 90%, continue lifting your buttocks and back as you curl upwards.
Bending your elbows bring your hands up to support your back. Now your torso and legs should be perpendicular to the mat. Allow your legs and feet to relax a little and focus your attention on your thyroid while you do abdominal breathing. In this position the neck and head should NEVER be moved.
Allow the body to adjust to the inverted position before lowering your knees to your forehead. Now you can adjust your elbows bringing them in closer together and maybe move your hands up your back towards the floor. This is a self adjustment technique. You can now come back up into your best Sarvangasana and stay there for one minute!