Padhastasana For Kids Growth and Height - Treatment, Tips & Cure in Tamil

2016-01-06 10

Padahastasana, or the standing forward bend (literally feet to hands pose), is the eleventh posture in the sequence of 12 basic postures of hatha yoga. It is an inverted posture which provides many of the same benefits of the seated forward bend: the main physical benefit is to stretch the entire backside of the body from the head to the heels.

1) To begin this posture, you should first come to Tadasana (Mountain Pose). Keep your hands on your hips and your feet either together or at the width of your hips. Breathe out and bend forward from the joints of your hips and not from the waist. As you come down, bring the front of your torso away from the groin area and open up the space between the sternum and the pubis. Just as it is with all forward bends, the importance is on elongating the front of the torso as you come into the position.
2) Bend forward with your knees kept straight if you are able to. Keep your hands under your feet with the palms facing up and bring your toes to touch your wrist.
3) While breathing in, straighten your arms and raise the front of the torso away from the thighs. At this point, your back should look concave. Remain in this position for a few breaths and then breathe out and stretch forward and down. Bend your elbows to the side so that they frame the head. Bring the shoulder blades down the back while maintaining some space between the ears and shoulders. Your weight should be distributed evenly through the feet. Raise your sitting bones upward to the ceiling. The top of your thighs should be turned inwards in bit.
4) Each time you breathe in during the pose, you should stretch and lift the torso a little. Each time you breathe out, release a little more into the forward bend. Doing this will oscillate the torso in an imperceptible manner. Remain in this position for around 20 seconds.
5) To get out of the posture, release the hands. Get your hands to your hips, breathe in and come back up with your back Straightened.

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