Build Business Online Ltd. - UK SEO Experts
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Hi there, this is Stephen McTaggart here from Build Business Online Limited. I want to talk to you briefly about our Google Penalty Recovery Service.
Now it may well be that your website has fallen foul of Google. You may even have received an email from Google saying that your website has been manually reviewed, and they're not happy with it.
It may be that your website has fallen foul of - what's also known as a Panda, quality scoring. So a Panda, what that does as part of Google's algorithm, it looks at actually what's on your website. It looks at the content of your webpages. And if it doesn't like what it sees, then basically what happens is, your rankings will begin to drop.
Google will place you lower and lower in the ranking for the search phrases that you in particular are looking for. It can be a number of causes as to why you're in a Panda penalty, and Google is constantly changing and constantly updating the criteria that they look for on a webpage.
The other part of Google zoo, is what's known as a Penguin. Now a Penguin penalty is the result of what's happening elsewhere on the internet in relation to your website. Primarily this is about the links that are coming into your website. And are they good quality, and are they relevant?
Now the main reasons for receiving a Penguin penalty can be to do with either bad or low quality SEO work that has been done in the past, or is being done right now. It may be that your website has become victim of what's known as negative SEO.
And that can be the result of an SEO working on behalf of one of your competitors, basically attacking your website, so that it's lower in Google. And maybe even a disgruntled employee, who's actually doing something to it to bring your website down.
Whatever the reason is for your website being in penalty, and whatever the cause of that penalty is, my job really is the same. And there are 3 elements to that.
The first part, very importantly is to diagnose accurately and correctly what is the problem? What it is that's actually causing your website to not appear where it used to appear? Or perhaps your website just can't get above a certain position within Google. Maybe it's stuck on page 2, and maybe it's - maybe you just can't take that extra leap to get where you want to be. My job is to diagnose why your website is where it is.
The second part of my job then is to fix that problem. It's having diagnosed it, and is then to come up with a solution that basically will mitigate this problem that's affecting your rankings.
And then the third part, the final part is to recover the whole thing. So your website actually pushes through what perhaps was like a, maybe like a ceiling. Or it recovers the website ranking that you previously lost.
Now, in my experience, most websites are recoverable, okay? So it's not a hopeless case if your website has taken a drop. And maybe you've been on page 1 for ages, and all of a sudden you can't get above page 3, or you're down page 4, 5 or 6. But most websites are recoverable.
And in fact, the other side of that process, most websites actually perform better than they did before they went into penalty. Because what's happened is that they've basically been detoxified.
So if you've experienced a drop in your rankings, or you've had a notification from Google. Or you just have a sense that there's something up with your website. You have a sense that perhaps the work that's being done on it to help rank it, has actually been hindering it, rather than helping it - then please get in contact.
And Google Penalty Recovery Service is very, very effective, and in many cases, the recovery can take place a lot quicker and a lot sooner than perhaps you think it may take to occur.
So it's a real priority for me to basically diagnose, fix and recover your website. So you can get your rankings back, and most importantly you can get the leads, the phone calls and the revenue that you get from having your strong rankings on Google. So get in touch.