Steven Universe New Episodes 2016 - Tro Choi Giup Be Thong Minh - Shizuka TV

2016-01-05 24

Steven Universe is an American animated television series created by Rebecca Sugar for Cartoon Network. It is the coming-of-age story of a young boy named Steven, who grows up in the town of Beach City living with three magical humanoid aliens, the "Crystal Gems" Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. Steven, who is half-Gem, goes on adventures with his friends and helps the Gems protect the world from their own kind. Sugar developed the series while working as a storyboard artist on Adventure Time, and it premiered on November 4, 2013 as Cartoon Network's first series to be created by a woman.

The series has received critical acclaim, being praised for its art design, music, voice acting, and complex characterization and science-fiction worldbuilding. It was nominated for an Emmy Award and two Annie Awards. Steven Universe was renewed for a third season in 2015. Companion books, comics, and a video game based on it have also been released.