What is Casting (Metalworking)?

2016-01-05 1

What is Casting (Metalworking)?
Find out the basic definition, types and uses of how products are cast in this exciting video! Feel free to check out our content on different communities. Thanks again for watching!




Keywords: Casting Casting process producing metal alloy parts producing molten metal alloy prepared mould alloying metal alloy cool solidify. process right Metal Casting Casting produce complex uneconomical shapes difficult produce other processes. product obtained casting one piece hence no metal joining processes needed. Very Heavy parts difficult fabricate easily manufactured casting. produces Machinable parts Casting easily mechanized using machines mass production machine parts. Applications Metal casting: Transportation Vehicles automobile engine parts railway crossings. These some many examples make use Metal Casting. Now Pattern defined as model replica object cast. type pattern particular casting depends upon: quantity castings produced size shape casting type moulding method design casting. various types patterns are: Single Solid Pattern. Two piece split pattern. Loose Piece Pattern. Cope Drag Pattern. Gated Pattern. Match Plate Pattern. Sweep Pattern. Skeleton Pattern. Segmental Pattern. Follow Board Pattern. Lagged-up Pattern. When Pattern removed cavity corresponding shape pattern remains sand called mould cavity. sand known moulding sand mainly because low cost. Why lost cost because sand sourced from river-beds lakes sea deserts! Nature Mould cavities manufactured using shell molding CO2 moulding. Shell Moulding consists sand resin dumped over heated pattern results formation shell over pattern. shell stripped joined together complete mould. high surface finish hence ares where greater accuracy smooth surface finish needed. Second comes CO2 moulding CO2 gas pressure 1.5 kg/(cm.cm) diffused mixture pure dry silica sand initiate hardening reaction. cost raw material low production rate high hence steel iron aluminium copper bases alloy casting. So.... question arises three Casting Processes Well first pressure die casting metal poured pressure metal mold where metal solidifies under pressure with great surface finish. method high production rates hence manufacture automobile parts toys decorative parts etc.. Second comes centrifugal casting here several cavities located around outer edge centrifuge metal fed radial gates center these castings near perfect with low rates rejection. Third last casting processes Vacuum Casting. mixture fine sand urethane moulded over metal die robotic arm immersed partially furnace. produces low pressure mould draws metal inwards. temperature molten metal generally 55 degree Celsius above liquid temperature hence quickly solidifies. include greater strength highly Mechanize-able Process. pattern made larger final casting because carries certain allowances due Metallurgical Mechanical Reasons. Some them Shrinkage Allowance provided compensate thermal contraction. Machining allowance amount dimension on casting may require machining all over on certain specified portions. Draft allowances given all vertical faces pattern their east removal from sand. After allowances comes Gating system term applied all channels molten metal delivered mould cavity. consists Pouring cups Spruce Runder Gates etc. riser passage sand made cope permit molten metal rise above highest point casting allows extra gasses escape. Next line Casting Defects their Remedies. Caused due single manufacturing fault combination many first list blow holes caused due excess moisture sand hence controlled regulating moisture. Second porosity occurs due presence gas metal controlled regulating pouring temperature. Third Shrinkage caused faulty gating faulty rising improper chilling remedied ensuring proper solidification. Fourth comes Inclusions again caused due faulty gating system remedied modifying same. Last comes Hot Tears Hot cracks caused due lack core mould collapsibility remedied improving core mould collapsibility. final part inspection casting done so as detect any defect them. First Destructive method where samples castings picked cut pieces points where defects suspected. But leaves lot chance as sample may may not contain defects present lot other samples. Second comes Non-Destructive Methods include visual inspection using microscopes magnifying glass naked eye. Inspection Dimensional accuracy as reveals whether pattern core boxes correct not. Second: Test with hammer resulting sounds pitch noted cross checked discontinuity within mass casting. All ensures perfect Metal Casting Process in-turn gives you lot your daily products like... well... pretty much everything. casting Process Simulation Mechanical Engineering Insider's find out Forming Processes