Watch the video Superstar Shah Rukh Khan's upcoming film 'Raees' is currently in its shooting phase. The makers have announced the commencement of the second schedule of the forthcoming film. Both, the director Rahul Dholakia, and the producer Ritesh Sidhwani, took to their social media to share the update with the fans. "Started filming in 2016 with 2nd Schedule on #Raees... Happy New year twitterati." Director Dholakia also took to his twitter account and wrote about the second schedule: "End of day1 of 2nd schedule #Raees - long day, tiring, but at the end of it all a happy enthusiastic crew. Best." 'Raees' stars Shah Rukh Khan as a Gujarati Don and, Pakistani actress Mahira Khan as his wife. Actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui will essay the role of a cop in the film.