Resolutions to Solutions Introduction

2016-01-05 2

2014 Resolutions, Disillusions, and Solutions is a six part mini-series hosted by Russ Littau founder of The Healing Center and Convergence Reiki. Recorded at the Ask the Spirituality Expert studios this series of informative, provocative and enlightening programs explain why the new years resolutions we make so often end up in the garbage heap of frustrations and forgotten intentions until December roles around and we discover, once again, we haven't accomplished them.

From that powerful understanding Russ then outlines a simply five step process that will ensure this year is the year that all changes and you start experiencing the satisfaction and feeling of accomplishment you've been searching for.

2014 Resolutions, Disillusions, and Solutions is a production of The Healing Center and Convergence Media HC copyright January, 2013.

Your host is Russ Littau founder of The Healing Center and Convergence Reiki. To find out more about The Healing Center visit

Russ Littau, The Healing Center, Law of Attraction Workshop