섹션tv 연예통신 새해인사 마마무 Mamamoo 컷

2016-01-03 7

Rotary phones
[] But how else are you going to convince your mom to cook your favourite dish for dinner?
[] /r/idontworkherelady
[] i'm saying that people who believe that santos paid the nobel committee for the prize should be seen as conspiracy nuts, i wasn't talking about people who voted no.
[] You shouldn't be getting downvoted - when testimony conflicts, it's generally the right call to favor testimony from unbiased sources.

The police is the most biased possible source for this case.

Therefore, the police testimony should be regarded with the most skepticism.

For everyone who is unabashedly believing the police without any more evidence, know that you may be right or wrong in this case, but your attitude perpetuates the abuse of authority that police can get away with. The principle I described above is precisely why there is a large push for body cams.
[] Propably wrong too if you ask that way. If it makes it any better english is my second language.
[] *lose
[] Long time ago I was working at IKEA. We sold sheepskin for home decoration. Very smart woman; do you have them in 2 by 3 meters? Sure we will genetically modify the sheep, or just kill a polar bear.
[] Customer: "Where are the pajamas??"
Best Buy employee on Black Friday: "All the way in the back. You can't miss them!"
[] How is a desire for power pathetic?
[] Man, for a while there I thought you said that God gave us free wifi and I was so confused...
[] Because I got my bad metabolism from my dads side and didn't get my moms good metabolism. I was told by everyone I was fat, so I found comfort in food. Me and my best friend growing up would eat the exact same thing, but she stayed a stick, I did not.
[] a penny
[] It could have been a sarcastic question. If I see somebody who looks like they don't give a shit, I sometimes ask that question in a very sarcastic tone.
[] Holy shit! Does this work?
[] But what if the reason seen for the injustice has nothing to do with race, but with socioeconomic reasons? In other words, they accept that there are issues, but that the main factor is wealth and geography, not race?
[] Over the phone "can I still pre order mafia 3?"
Sir this is Pizza Hut
[] Allow me to remind you of the time that he funded and promoted the creation of paramilitary forces, and years later, after they executed many massacres and generated a huge number of refugees, he gave them AMNESTY. TOTAL AMNESTY. And because of that now we have their poke-evolution, the Bacrim, and we had to process numerous members of the State (Uribe's supporters, what a surprise) for being linked to these paramilitary forces.

Let's not forget, also, the Falsos Positivos: military murdering the sons of poor families and dressing them as FARC members just to get a bonus. Or the scandal of Agro Ingreso Seguro. Or how he coerced members of the Congress and Senate to approve almost unconstitutionally the reelection law. Or when he spent almost the whole oil backup fund, leaving the country vulnerable to price shocks, which consequences we can clearly see today. Or the fact the the DAS spied on politically relevant figures and the whole agency had to be closed later on.

The man reeks of corruption. Everything around him does too. His party is an example of manipulative, dishonest populism. Maybe he did some good, but at what cost? At who's expense?
[] I can understand that. But why does YouTube not get into trouble like other companies do?

I use them because sometimes I can't hear or process spoken words as well as other times.
[] I think by "the problem" he means "shitty celebrities"
[] You can hear it in a few of her songs, Oblivion is a good example
[] But if Sony did that in the first place there must have been something horribly wrong. Trank's tweet of "I wish you could see the Fantastic Four I made" came off as an incredibly childish retort when his movie crashed and burned. His supposed version of the movie was just as shitty as the one we got.
[] How about earth as a whole and not only in her kingdom?
[] Nope. Buoyancy is determined by the density of your body compared to the water you displace.

Think of it this way: Hydrophobic coating makes fabric non-absorbant, but it doesn't "push" water away any more than the metal hull of a boat.


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